
Age 38, Male

Hampshire, England

Joined on 4/26/14

Exp Points:
5,636 / 5,880
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
6.48 votes
Town Watch
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
8y 8m 23d

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Latest News


HI folks, I've been getting some new fans lately, It has really been for a while, actually, so many thanks for your support in being my fans. I just would like to point out, I'm fully aware that I've been extremely idle since I got my Newgrounds of the Day award. I've been visiting many of your profiles and many of you, don't parton your support with the support feature this website offers. It would me, if not the website at the end of the day to support the website that I made my content for with a price as low as $2.99: https://www.newgrounds.com/supporter

And many thanks to my fans who have been a supporter of this website because it helps me greatly to post my animations which I create in my spare time as I have this space. I'm aware that this may seem like I'm a stooge for this website but how else is anyone able to view content on this website when there's an upkeep to maintain to hold the content here for easy access? It would help alot! Thanks!

Edit PS: Of course, there are ads but it will take a while for me to make content for me to post. Work hard for good quality animations.

Recent Game Medals

145 Points

You can't handle this! 5 Points

Get punched out by Tom.

Mike drop 5 Points

Tyson was dropped from the game in 1990 after he lost the title.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Just Quit 10 Points

Negative 100 rangs like how bad can you even be at a thing

Seriously 5 Points

Negative 50 rangs. Are you okay

Like Really Bad 5 Points

Negative 20 rangs? Are you trying?

You're Too Unquick 5 Points

Go as unquickly as possible

I am Kazaam 5 Points

Play as Picture of Shaq