
Age 38, Male

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Joined on 4/26/14

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ultraemo's News

Posted by ultraemo - March 14th, 2024

HI folks, I've been getting some new fans lately, It has really been for a while, actually, so many thanks for your support in being my fans. I just would like to point out, I'm fully aware that I've been extremely idle since I got my Newgrounds of the Day award. I've been visiting many of your profiles and many of you, don't parton your support with the support feature this website offers. It would me, if not the website at the end of the day to support the website that I made my content for with a price as low as $2.99: https://www.newgrounds.com/supporter

And many thanks to my fans who have been a supporter of this website because it helps me greatly to post my animations which I create in my spare time as I have this space. I'm aware that this may seem like I'm a stooge for this website but how else is anyone able to view content on this website when there's an upkeep to maintain to hold the content here for easy access? It would help alot! Thanks!

Edit PS: Of course, there are ads but it will take a while for me to make content for me to post. Work hard for good quality animations.

Posted by ultraemo - April 19th, 2023

Walmart UK selling this. We have a Lebanese community here at my location, so we get goodies from time to time like rose water products and this appears on the store shelves. Looks like I've seen this character somewhere else, nah! Can't be!



Just hope it snows again here. It rarely snows here but it would be fitting owning this as it snows.

Posted by ultraemo - March 15th, 2023

Edit: Wanted to add a few more lines to this post, to help explain us to them, so I'll put edit next to each paragraph to be clear what has been added in!

It's that time of the year in the UK again and that is The Apprentice UK television show where the business magnate find his new employee to hire or in this case, gives a huge amount of prize money to invest into the winner. So what better way then to give a challenge to the contestants, for him to give them the challenge to make cartoons for kids? 

Series 17, Episode 3 (yes, the series is at number seventeen now, still hosted by the same magnate that hosted the first time around) has the contestants making cartoons but the briefing for this, was somewhat interesting as the host gives them the task. Lord Alan Sugar likes to give very novel briefings, maybe just to look good for the camera, so he somehow made a cartoon about himself, giving them the brief. Yes, he invited them Regent Street Cinema and airred the cartoon to them to brief them about the task, which his cartoon Lord Sugar and Friends!


So his character of himself walked down a street, pass the set of EastEnders and some judges from Strictly Come Dancing and Delboy from the 1980s show Only Fools and Horses, as he talks to various characters and then...

Edit: I think the idea is to give the animation extremely good cover to make the animation worth it's weight, given the history of animation the BBC and Newgrounds has, if not with any studio considering the BBC has been around for over 100 years.


he sits down and briefs the contestants to make cartoons.


Edit: I can't get over the opportunity of the people who were voice acting and it makes me think why, considering voice acting is all the rage now a days. So just in case someone makes a cartoon of Lord Sugar but have to get voice actors, yeah I think that's a benchmark for him. He's the type of kind who's out of touch but nope, it didn't stop Lord Sugar and the others to voice act.

This is for the show.


So the contestant head off and make the cartoons, between them. With 2 teams, the animations were interesting. The judges of the cartoons who decides who is the winner work in the BBC themselves. The show got very likeable judges in my opinion but they weren't afraid to hold back criticism on the animations. (and maybe wish Newgrounds got the same treatment?)

The first team concept was a giraffe with an Indian name, because the project manager was Indian but had a point that it was never been done before and the second team was an animation of two kids playing in a playground, but one of them was in a wheelchair while the other was having the time of his life running around, climbing and sliding down a slide.


So the judges saw the cartoons and started asking away. With the giraffe cartoon, one judge was quick to point out, as the giraffe was a female character, why she had a pink bow in this day of age. I'm not going to lie, as much as I know better and I've had criticism like that before (elsewhere) but I didn't notice. Clearly it was in hindsight and forget that it's no longer the 1990s. When the episode airred and I see the news being published online, so many media reporters were quick to pick that up like wild fire, quickly calling whoever had that idea, stupid, really, so I thought that was interesting.

The other team, I don't know what I can say about this:


Someone is really having a time of their life when someone in a wheelchair is watching. So take a wild guess what the judges have to say about this one?!


So the character slides down and the girl in the wheelchair feels the shade but the kid goes up to the girl and starts, what appears to be, clapping her hands but the animation really suggests something else and one of the judges had this to say. She says that it looked like they were trying to slap each other. That's what she said, she said that the characters looked like they were trying to slap each other. Obviously they criticised the lack of features on the characters like the hands and no feet. Even to ask where it went and to tell Lord Sugar's associates that the team made silly excuses when asked that question.

So after that, you can take a wild guess which team won the task. The giraffe animation won and then the other team were bought back in and someone got fired in true Apprentice fashion.


Edit: We get animations here that look like these but they can have excellent stories and they often pass around here, getting a 2 to 3 stars. This team in the show lost and someone in the team got fired. What kind of message are you giving out to anyone here, on Newgrounds, who watches this show?! The judges even asked why they weren't any hands or feet and in the boardroom, they got Lord Sugar associates to tell them that "at least they could have admitted they forgot to add it but all they did was made silly excuses" which hardly happens here, like never and maybe keep our distances from them and let the contestants and show in the UK be on their own to get to grips with animation but I suppose some respectability in seeing a scene like that in the show, considering how far the Adobe Animation scene has come.

So why am I blogging about this?! The Apprentice is filmed and airred on the BBC. The BBC is infamous around this website for trying to file a takedown against Newgrounds for their Tellytubbies parody animations, which wasn't successful and obvious this website had their say. The reason I've watched the episode (I got bored after series 9 and they're tell making the show) is that I wondered if there's any references to Newgrounds, maybe the only one being that the cartoons look like they are animated in Flash Animate (which is more of a tweaked version of Adobe Flash before Adobe reworked it heavily because of the falling repetation is had received back in 2017 to the point it had discontinued and removed everywhere at the end of 2020), so I wonder how they've moved on from it and I think this show is the best example. Yes, they really want to move on but I can't help to think they've capitalized on the idea that Flash is dead and just went on getting one of the biggest shows making cartoons.

Maybe the joke is on the folks here on this website, who've made animations this terrible as the losing team and fused that in there and watched Lord Sugar grill at them. A message maybe, who knows but that animation of the losing team did look like animations that used to be posted on this website decades ago. So maybe someone in the offices there had that vision for the show and it went their way. I think so. Thanks for reading. UltroEmo is going back under his rock!


Posted by ultraemo - July 30th, 2021

I always get confuses with the icons on the blog posts, here. I always think the Red pencil means to compose a new post and the page with the plus symbol means to duplicate the posts. Confusing, very confusing.


Posted by ultraemo - February 14th, 2021

Oh, hello, today, on February the 14th, I'm the website's User of the Day. So since it has collided with the other well known day, known as Valentine's Day, then what better way to celebrate myself being User of the Day, with the hint, my username waives out, then to give me something very dark, like black roses or dark gifts? Oh, no one has prepared to get those for me.

In terms of my account and animations, I do have more animations being made, I work full time and in my spare time, I make and put the animation frames together, slow process but it's worth it, so hopefully, this year, I'll get two animations out. Again, I never expected being User of the Day, thanks Tom, G-bot and everyone for your support.



Posted by ultraemo - October 9th, 2020

With Madness Day 2020 gone, which I've made a video for. It's been a while since I've made a cartoon but there will be more. I've read the comments and I will make more, with Madness Combat, because I like the series, not just for Madness Day.

Here's the video: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/766490

More coming soon!

Posted by ultraemo - January 21st, 2019

Hello, so I've been visiting this website for almost two decades now, really didn't phase me. I've been visiting this place before YouTube hit the scene and I think that explains why I haven't, not really an idea to point out that how YouTube taken over is the reason I shouldn't have visited this place. Something worth mentioning, I am amazed how educated viewers are. Before, make the most vile animations and it got you somewhere or make a point. Now, because video content is here, not just on You(Face)Tube... there's expections from you folks and it has changed some of the ideas in videos. 

But because of this, a few weeks ago, I decided to delete some of my videos. This was because they were getting in the way of the real world, my real world. If my boss saw it at work for example, I know I'll get fired of them or I have trouble telling people about how I make videos because of it's content and feel threaten. I've had some controversial says at work and I've had people in the real world who were "concerned" with some of the edgy claims I've ever made, not just in videos. 

Funnily enough, the videos, that I kept up are the videos I know wouldn't make outsiders question the content I've made. These just happen to be the content that I've cried my eyes out and break sweat for and spent weeks. Movies like Why He Named Himself Freethinker and Angel Interrupted for example. Thoses are the movies that went under my skin where I said to myself "I feel stupid making this!" but knowing it would get somewhere, just shows that it's made me comfortable with my edgy videos! I have personality have people who take a cheap swing at me bashing my videos but only do it as a cheap tactic to get me to keep making videos so they can just sit back and get entertained and even claim its them that's driving me but also funny is that no one talks to them or they have no one to talk too about that. It makes me laugh they don't have anyone to tell that too maybe because they don't have anything and just using that idea to get attention for themselves. Very very cheap.

But anyways, I am still working on my jaggy edge animations. Got three movies planned, so I can't get to get them together, polished and for the website. A lot more in the future.


Posted by ultraemo - September 2nd, 2018


A more light hearted movie under the dark tones. I met her in a chatroom. A very mature person who wants to be to herself. So what better way to make a movie about her but not in a horrible way, in a more cool way. That teabag in the movie is really me, how I turn into a teabag and get used.

Movie link: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/656807

She said that she was surprised I didn't make her look very bad and made fun of her and I've taken pride with what she said about the movie, it made me feel very good about myself. I mean I didn't want to ambush her with my movie, so I made some effort to make the character look decent and worthwhile and not keep making movies making fun of people.

Posted by ultraemo - July 17th, 2018

Sure some have seen my video Why he named himself Freethinker: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/660937


To explain the reason behind making this video. During my years in the chatroom I've settled in, there was this one guy who've always taken the mic and rants and alienates people. He annoyed 95% of the chatroom. There was even a time when some of the other chatters set up another section to get away from him in the lobby. He would never stop. He went by the name Freethinker... but then it makes anyone wonder why he named himself Freethinker when he couldn't deal with how he annoys people. So if I wanted to cuss him down, makes you wonder what he was trying to make others look.


Freethinkers... or a freethinker within soceity, during the last decade, they were protrayed as the least trusted people and have major difficulties to fit within society because of their beliefs. They are the focus of major criticism and ordeals but since then, it's been relaxed towards them because of the amount of alienation they had to endure and how unfair for them it would get, so now a days Freethinkers are alot more tolerated and more accepted within soceity. 

So here's a guy who talks about what he talks about, like weed to try to make himself look mature. He kept ranting on and on and would always ignore others who he simply didn't like because they never wanted to talk to him with what he believed in and almost everyone didn't want him. Because the admin had nothing against him, they couldn't remove him, so with the tools i had and the website here, I thought, made a movie about how much of an asshole he was. 

... and I have to tell you. I didn't like it. I told alot of people that I was going to make a movie about how much of an idiot he was because he was a problem. I spent TWO WEEKS making that movie while he sat there ranting on. He wasn't going to go anywhere . Maybe not the best quality of movie making but decent. It had a story and quality was decent but that was it! Posted it here, got approved and then I later showed him. 

To my surprise and reaction what I saw happened next, he reacted and he changed and I never saw him again. He knows it's true. There's a few users/people I meet out there who can't deal with the every day world. He went around hogging the microphone, trying to say that he's pooring in the energy into the chatroom he knows everyone wants but never really given it. So when I made that movie and his reaction in the chatroom, I knew I had something. That's why some of the movies come across maybe bizzare and alienate but they really represent someone, elsewhere and it's meant to tell them to behave and they don't have all the power in the world. 

... and yeah, I do feel a bit bad but the least I can do is to make myself a supporter and it did give me a chance to get some experience making videos which is useful for me into the video and I do have you guys to thank for that.

Posted by ultraemo - July 16th, 2018


I'm deciding to break out and to finally get to explain some of the inspiration behind some of my movies. For the pass seven years, I've been settling and using chatrooms. Not the NewGrounds chatroom on this website. I'm talking about those independent chatrooms. Well I figured what ever happened to chatrooms and I've been using them and well, I've had alot of reasons to keep in their then anywhere, so that's very scary to admit. Trying not to embarrass myself. surviving chatrooms isn't easy. The moment of bullying and cheating I've seen in chatrooms, you wouldn't believe. That for another time.

Making movie wise, I started making my little animations years ago, when chatrooms were hot, there were like 40 active users sitting in a chatroom, watching the colorful text go by and before the Google Panda update was in place, allowed those chatrooms to be active and having traffic of users flooding in and using the chatroom. Tough crowd and to stand out and get somewhere, the reason I went by and mixed in with everyone was because I could make movies. I made movies about users, like an e-card but it was meant to tell those users and everyone that they stood out and etc but that when it was hit and miss really. I have an entire YouTube channel full of them. Unlisted and privated for many reasons but solely because it was a private encounter with someone else who I just met and I didn't want to for them into the spotlight just in case I made a great movie and it went viral by accident. It happens. 

With the "Drama" within the chatrooms, someone got the shit end of the boat and be painted to be the biggest loser. Something everyone tries to avoid or don't want, it happens but unfortuately, there were users I've met over the years, I'm talking about EVERYDAY, who would enter the chatroom, really out there to try and seek some attention to sometimes but would monopolize situations or take advangate of the situation and I thought it was all just some tougue on cheek, get what people get when it's free, so I really needed something to really get at them.  

... from this website, because the chatrooms were powered by Flash, I thought it was a good idea to use this website to help me try to get the message at them and they were annoying! Because the chatroom I was at, had something like 20 active chatters and you get that really controlling yet can't remove user that annoys everyone and admin doesn't want to remove him or anything, so I had to take my time, to make a movie, polish it to standard (because of the rating system here) and publish it here. If I had something like the basic 300 views, 125 votes,... that was alot more then the 20 active chatters in the chatroom. That's 300 against 20 views, so that's more powerful and using the idea that if I don't get millions of views on YouTube, therefore they thought, it wasn't worth it. Making movies and uploading here, just meant, they never saw what I made coming to them. :D

Thankfully, not all the movies I've made out there to go after the users I was settling with in that chatroom with. Some users were good movies to be nice to those users, so I didn't want to just make my channel like I went against everyone. Yes, a PR campaign to make me look good :D but I don't want my movies just to get at everyone and maybe I'll make a movie to represent someone and it would pay off in a way that I would be surprised about.
Anyways, more about this and on specfics, who I went after and what I did another time, because I have a lot of say about this, because I've been in the chatroom for so long, so I'm not really short on stories. But I did take advangate of what goes on around here, so I apologize if anyone feels exploited if they voted on my movies but it did help and I will explain who I've made a hit on and which movie in future posts. I got what I wanted and I want to move on. I really want to get them out because I did have so much fun with what people were telling me and how they were trying to get me on their side, to help them, just becuase I made my animation shorts, so it is a story worth telling in a future.