
Age 38, Male

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ultraemo's News

Posted by ultraemo - June 13th, 2018

I think it is nice that the new layout for Newgrounds is around. I was just thinking to myself that their are many websites which feel dated and with Newgrounds being here for around two decades, why bother! It seems that the new layout is getting to me and it does feel good knowing that the website cares. I was on another website which is very dated, almost neglected. It didn't feel so good visiting.

DATEDDDDD! Over-used term. I thnk website especiality Microsoft, how they've rolled out their user interface with buttons being minimal is affecting how we think and interact with website, so it is nice that this website has an overall change with how it looks slightly, because it is the reason I would use a website for the long term.

Posted by ultraemo - February 27th, 2018

Hello, so I've currently working on my first game. The news is that I may decide to make it in Flash but now, because of the news breaking out regarding Adobe Flash being dropped from browsers, I've decided to drop Flash entirely. This is before I do plan to post the game that I would like to make and show off on here and it would take alot of my time to learn Flash just to make a game (when I could have done so a decade ago) and move quickly onto Unity. I will take a look at Unity and any browser software to make what I would like to show off and try to get it somewhere.

I have no experience making games in Flash and I still have my vector skills from Flash but I rather put that in illustations which are common like Serif softwares but will I ever use Adobe, I don't know because I don't use it as much and I haven't got much of an application for it.

Posted by ultraemo - February 11th, 2018


Gameboy aftermarket parts to use to replace parts on your Gameboy. I'm a fan. Can happen on any consoles if there is any parts being manufactured. I like to keep my mods to a minimum especiality on consoles and handhelds because I still want to use them. I've only replaced the action buttons and power switch colors. I do have a backlight but I messed up the screen. I can't barely see the graphics on the screen :O. I'll have to power that up another day. Maybe I'll go out of my way to purchase a homebrew game in the future, to make playing a Gameboy feel alive. I have ordered another one of those screens in blue. A nice navy blue, a bold change from the other colors on there. I've kept the D-Pad black to keep the look of it bold. I like the manufactured stuff because it doesn't feel tacked on. I've seen other designs, they are wild. I see people really going on eBay to sell those things, I hope they get used if they get sold. I may trade off my device in the future if anyone wants it. Just worried about the screen however. :| I suppose I'll get that sorted one day.


Pokemon Blue cartridge inside. I'll have to get a replacement label for that to make it easy for me to know what the game is.

Posted by ultraemo - February 3rd, 2018

It's been a while since I've actually posted a blog to quickly trying to move. So animation wise... previously, I've done alot of research into animation and my work and what I would like to do and put out here. I don't have animation as a career, I've done it entirely in my spare time. One of the things I was extremely upset about was Squigglevision. Because I've been a fan of MS Paint and I wanted to show off what I can do, I wanted to really attract some form of attention, so I was planning to make animations still of animated lines like that show... Dr Katz. So I wonder why no one has done that much around here. Yes, I'm aware it's old but it's always going to be there making history even when that was almost 20 years ago.

I'm talking about this:


I suppose I've not in boring terrority anymore. Squigglevision is patented. I have to get rights to make and publish animations like that. The guys that own the rights, they can turn me down, tell me that I'm crap and whatever, since why they've made their shows and to tell the whole world to lay off them! 
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squigglevision


The same production company has made other cartoons using the same method. Cartoons like Home Movies. They made the animations on MS Paint but then developed technology to move away from that old raster-feel. Makes me wonder where to head with my animation skills and where to place them in the future and how that's going to appear and what I'm going to use the medium off.

I mean there's still room to show off what I could do with something like raster-looked MS Paint or Paint.net, it's just having to look around for other things to do with it in the future, but that's going to take a very very long time to make what I want to show off, since why I've been so quiet or not posting as much. I am currently working on another movie and quality is something that I am going for. 

Posted by ultraemo - September 7th, 2017


After the late news of Adobe announcing that they'll abandon Flash in 2020, I've decided to watch the movie 2012, maybe an inspiration of what's going to happen to Flash in 2020 and it's the most tasteless choice of movie. I mean Adobe Flash is software so anything could happen and happen soon after. Hopefully I wouldn't post much here because I should be more concerned with making movies if I'll blog around here, so this post is going to stay for a while.

2012 was released in 2009. (Oh, good I could finally blog about this!) It based of the Anicent Mayan prediction the world was going to end in... 2012, aka five years ago. Clearly loads of people were talking about it then. Worth the movie? It gathered back almost four times in earnings against it's budget. Yep, loads went to see it The movie has a good cast but I think the movie really pokes fun at the 2012 event. It certainly give loads starring in that movie something for their career.  There's many sub-stories in the movie along the main movie, like the family from LA and a scienist who are part of the survival crew trying to outrun the distaster. It's just a movie anyways. The special effects were the best part of the movie also. Surely the movie gives everything the world wanted to see, like the arrogant Russian guy who dies towards the end for example.

The movie was very very long also. Very long clocking in at 2 hours, 28 minutes, seriously long. I don't know if that is a good thing or bad thing.

Makes me wonder what will come out for Adobe Flash. Maybe I should make a little movie like that. It would be great. Not sure if the world wants to know the Flash community would build arks and hide themselves until the rest of the world wants us. Doesn't stop anyone from making Flash films because they can be rendered from their files and displayed on the big screen and who knows what Adobe will do with Flash... I mean Adobe Animate for years to come. 

I'm sure many would wonder if I had something against Flash. Here where I live in Britain, when Marcomedia first offered Flash, they rigged the prices skyhigh for us British. So for American consumers, they got it for $99 and for British customers to gather a license, they rigged the prices to £99 which was actually something like $190. When Flash was first one, even I knew the prices wasn't correct at the time. Yep, it's one of the reasons I stayed clear for Flash and never really bothered. I haven't found a reason for it, which is a shame. I didn't even pirate the damn thing for use to make movies anywhere.

Also with YouTube casting over NewGrounds, I was actually confused with what went on, so I made movies for private use but now I got all the skill I want but I have to think about what's worth while.  

Posted by ultraemo - August 8th, 2017


Hello.. so while Adobe Flash has reported to be killed off for good, that isn't the only software announced to be killed off. Microsoft has joined in to announced that they're killing off MS Paint. It's going to be replaced with the more 2010 kind of software 3D Paint. Yep, you can paint in full 3D. So what would people miss from MS Paint?

Myself personality. The animations MS Paint has offers was already tapped out. Pixel Art being the most popular. I use MS Paint to make some of my animations for community chatrooms because they look bad but I may continue just to put some closure onto it. I also use Paint.net and is currently aware about some features to make animations feel like they've been made in MS Paint.

There's also a patented animation technique called swigglevision. Yep, it's been patented. Remember that jazzy city cartoon titled Dr Katz? The animation company behind the show patented it back in the ninties. It's a bit of a steal if any animation company worked hard to make cartoons and patented something like that because drawing figure animation in MS Paint is hard and takes a while. Really drains some nights I have sometimes making animations for those.

MS (2D) Paint has really allowed everyone to tap out the potiental the software ofered and clearly Microsoft are moving on. I'm going to make the most out of the software and make some cartoons I really really think I think I should make and just move on also. What do you guy think of MS Paint going and being replaced by 3D Paint?

Posted by ultraemo - July 26th, 2017

So Adobe has announced their assassination attempts against their own creation, Flash when it will turn 24 years old in 2020, Adobe is going to stop feeding and fixing it like an over-grown child locked up in the Adode headquarters and hope it rots and gets pushed aside on the internet and never to surface again to entertain everyone. I'll maybe improve the quailty of that picture because I really want to get the message out there in the future how much Adobe Flash is the anti-super hero we all loved and neglected but it stayed strong. 

I've been studying how Flash is used, including on Newgrounds, when they've used it heavily. I get it, it's has its problems and there's reasons for it. I can't say much about it. I've noticed Adobe's Animator is being used privately and used to render for film and used elsewhere because of it's technical uses. The developers, Adobe are based in California, same state where they have somewhere like Hollywood, so no surprise they have a mentally making software which is marketed in such a way that's almost like Hollywood marketing their movies to make box office sales. 

... and now the software from Adobe is still making tabiod headlines. So while I join in, I suppose I'm going to have some fun marketing it.  Adobe is an aging business. Of course it doesn't care but as someone who live their life with Adobe Flash, it is disheartening to see those folks fighting what to do with Adobe Flash and I think Flash has been thrown into the mist but no many people who want to help poor Adobe Flash because maybe they don't have the right tools to find and comfort Flash in the mist, do they? Well I do and we'll see what happens. 2020 is a long time. A very long time. I'm sure others on the website here are disheartened that Flash is going to die as this website foundations were built with the help of Adobe Flash to kickstart our love of Internet animation, so I think it should have level of care but a refreshed entry to keep it alive for a bit longer.

You'll think a country like Japan or China would care? Japan are maybe pointing and laughing at Adobe Flash and Adobe themselves like any other American software product and I wouldn't think they'll do anything, so screw them. I'll take their old anime/manga style also. Just you wait Japan. More Adobe Flash the Anti-Super Hero coming soon. Just hopes not to clash with DCs Flash and get a dispute over the right of the name or find another way to market what I'm really trying to redeem on here.

Posted by ultraemo - May 4th, 2017


Something I could finally explain that talks about me. I'm moving away from Flash for good, that idea alone is slowly becoming a cliche. In my own time, I've been making animations with MS Paint frame work. It's because I have the creative freedom to draw excatly what I want and very quickly. It also means I can take care of the animation slides. I'm going to be focused on this in the future. It also saves me alot of hassle but there are some things I am considering. I have a supply of movies so far, but I'm trying to work or re-edit them to fit onto this website. I actually shy away from it but I've been getting support to continue making movies, but my choice in strict MS Paint is mine because it's something I can make. I think there's alot I could too to make it worth while. It's just practice. I'm also working on my aetheistic too. Gives me something to make the movie look good.

Posted by ultraemo - April 30th, 2017


During the last month, there's been talk about Youtube having a dark mode. A dark mode is the color scheme which turns their service black and red, which is hidden in Youtube and could be accessed through the amazing 'hacking into browser' means. It's clear it's getting the entire press talking. It's not secret. Why there's a Dark mode? Youtube has to put up with competition like errr Newgrounds? With a paid subscription services like Netflix present which is already dark, it's putting pressure on Google and Youtube. So they've made 'Dark Mode'! I mean the mainstream generation we still have around, may not know what's been going on. I think it's a reminder about how good I've had it here on Newgrounds. I like the dark look and feel around here and it's the reason I get comfortable and to have Youtube come out with there 'dark mode' while advertisers pull their money out from Google and then they have a 'dark mode'. Clearly Youtube is getting into a mess. Youtubers are crying over there. I personally don't care and I think many others shouldn't also.

Posted by ultraemo - April 10th, 2017

So firstly, I'm going to drop Flash to make movies. I'm fully understood that it's not really vital to get content onto this website in just flash but sometimes I would like to know the secret to what made Flash ever popular and to get somewhere. We're in an age where we don't have to rely on ever waiting for a video to load. That's the entire reason Flash was ever used for in the first place. SWF files were small but the rendering was great but everyone has boardband. Not unless I want to get content to someone living in some rural area, who doesn't have boardband. I'm sure there's still that market out there who has to put up with using Flash and maybe make something for them. Who knows. At the time, you wouldn't think about internet speed but we did have CD-ROMs measuring at 650MB that distributed content and there were programs like GetRight which had algorithms (everyone's favorite word) which told the user who long it would ever take to download a file, so even back then, people knew. Another time, I'm saving this. I like what I've just typed.


So I want to end my Flash rant spree with a movie review of Drawn Together: The Movie. It was made soon after the series on Cartoon Network was cancelled from demand. This movie really made me stop thinking about flash movies actually. Drawn Together is a cartoon about a reality TV show of characters which pardoies other famous characters from video games and shows. 

The show isn't just funny. There is that sad feeling that it really is the end of the characters as the characters struggle to get their show back onto the air. It protrays the harsh reality of being a character that no one wants to watch. There's even a beefed lengthy South Park parody in the movie which I couldn't believe was created. It was made so the characters would see what other show took their time slot, considering that I am a fan of South Park, it was entertaining to watch.

It did feel satifying that they ended the series with the movie, maybe because the cancellation came at a bit of a surprise. I found it very interesting that it was animated in Flash because it was almost like a message to a website like Newgrounds that it's how parodies end up. It is a bit worrying that it has heavy antisemintic remarks in the movie. I really wondered if that was really needed.